Easy ways to use feijoas

It’s that time of year again! Feijoas are in season right now, and if you’re lucky, you’ve either got a tree in your own backyard or know someone with an abundance of fruit that they’re kind enough to share.

Feijoas are a hit in my household and as such we don’t like to see any go to waste. Sometimes that means getting a little creative with different ways to make the most of them while they’re still in season. Luckily, they’re a super versatile fruit, and can be used for anything, from crumbles, to chutneys to cakes! Here are four of my favourite ways to enjoy them:

1) A healthy breakfast option
Just scoop out the flesh and enjoy with a dollop of yogurt topped with nuts and seeds for quick and easy breakfast or even a healthy snack option throughout the day. 

2) A simple snack for kids
Like a typical Kiwi kid, Zac loves feijoas so I take advantage of this to get some of his 5+ a day in! I just chop them in half and let him enjoy as an easy and healthy snack. 

3) Feijoa fizz
Add interest to still or sparkling water with a few sliced feijoas - adding some natural flavour to your water is a great way to ensure you’re drinking enough throughout the day.

4) Delicious healthy crumble

Bake feijoas into a delicious healthy crumble. My favourite recipe is this one from Healthy Food Guide: Feijoa Crumble or try this idea.


Freezing feijoas is a good way to keep excess fruit so you can use it later - especially good for smoothies, sorbet, and baking!  

Simply scoop the flesh from the feijoas, ideally put the pulp in ice cube trays to freeze, and then transfer to freezer bags for free-flow-feijoas to enjoy as needed!



Published By

Claire Turnbull



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