I love the start of a new year. After reflecting on the ups and downs of the past year over the Christmas break, it’s a great time to start afresh with new energy and perspective.
Rather than launching head first into oversized and unrealistic goals which will have probably gone by the wayside by March, here is a more effective approach to set yourself up for a happy, healthy year ahead.
1) Work out how you want to FEEL this year before setting any new goals
Normally, when we jump in and set new goals, we often focus on the THING we want, such as ‘more money’, ‘to be in a relationship’, ‘find a new job’, but actually underneath these goals are FEELINGS we are chasing. How you FEEL is everything, you can have all the money in the world, be really ‘successful’ in the eyes of others and seem to ‘have it all’ – but still be unhappy on the inside which is where it actually counts.
By figuring out the FEELINGS you are looking for in your life before you set your goals, you will be able to set goals which have depth and meaning rather than just following where your mind ‘thinks’ you want to go.
So how do you want to FEEL each and every day?
Peaceful, calm, clear, open, relaxed, present, energised, radiant, powerful, strong, open, bold, grateful, courageous, excited, confident …?
Try to find 3 or 4 words which really FEEL right to you.
2) Create a vision and set some goals
Based on how you want to FEEL in 2018, what is your vision and what are your goals for your health and wellbeing? Your relationships? Your work? Your fun time? Your finances? What can you do this year to help you FEEL more how you really would like to feel?
As an example, here are a few of my goals for the year ahead based on how I want to feel which is: EASE & FLOW, ENERGIZED & INSPIRED.
My health and wellbeing:
– Alcohol free until March, then alcohol free Monday – Thursday for the rest of the year. Alcohol saps my energy and makes me feel uninspired, so in the most part, it has to go from my life this year.
For my work:
– Doing my writing work in inspirational places like upbeat cafés or sitting by the beach or outside. This makes writing easier for me, I feel a natural flow when I type and I am definitely inspired when surrounded by natural beauty and good tunes!
For more help working on how you want to feel, setting a vision and working on your goals, grab a copy of my 'It's a Beautiful Day' Diary which takes you through the process in more detail.
3) Keep on track
However motivated you are at the start of the year, keeping on track as you go along is often the challenge! Here are a few ways I keep on track throughout the year myself:
– I use a fitness watch to track my steps and activity to keep me motivated.
– I use my ‘It’s a beautiful day’ diary to set my daily goals and reflect on what I am grateful for.
4) Surround yourself with the right people
Some people make you feel good and lift you up, others – drag you down. Spend more time with people who support your goals, dreams and passions. People who are negative and who make you feel like you aren’t good enough, don’t deserve your time or energy.
5) Be kind to yourself
There is only one you. You might not look quite how you want to, be where you want to be in your life or have what you want to have yet, but you are amazing just the way you are.
Making goals and creating a plan to FEEL better and move forward is one thing, but it’s not about changing who you are, but instead, taking a journey towards being the best, happiest, healthier version of yourself.
Claire Turnbull
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