Mix things up at lunch time

A pick n mix plate is a winning combo to get in your veggies, healthy fat, wholegrain carbs, fibre and protein, all in one plate.

Choose from:

  • Wholegrain crackers - A favourite is corn thins. Top with avocado and tomato and one with blue cheese, yum!!
  • Tuna or cottage cheese, both good options to boost the protein component
  • Carrot and hummus for an extra veggie serve and some protein/fibre
  • Sauerkraut for dose of healthy bacteria for my gut
  • Nuts and seeds for healthy fat and protein

Mix things up by using:

  • Cooked chicken, meat, fish, canned fish or boiled eggs for your protein
  • Wholegrain bread, wholegrain crackers, wholegrain/meal wraps or rice(ideally brown) for your carb element
  • Oily fish, olive or nut oil in a salad dressing, to add protein and healthy fat

Give this a whirl!



Published By

Claire Turnbull



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