Working and raising kids is busy - but with the right mindset and habits, a healthy, balanced life is still within reach.
After 20+ years in health and fitness, here are my top six game-changers:
1. Load up on veggies
Every. Single. Day. Aim for 5-6 handfuls of non-starchy veg - in salads, soups, snacks, or half your dinner plate. More veggies = fewer cravings and more energy!
2. Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water or herbal teas throughout the day, it helps you stay clear, focused and avoid headaches. Check your pee is pale in colour, dark pee can be a problem.
3. Retrain tour taste buds
You can re-train your taste buds to like less sweet tasting foods and less salt, it only takes a few weeks. If you are trying to reduce your sugar, aim to train your palate to accept less sweet tasting foods, rather than opting for all the alternative sweeteners.
4. Move more, however you can
I truly understand what it is like to have VERY little time but keeping active is essential to physical health and equally importantly in my mind (having struggles with depression myself) maintaining your mental health. Even 5-10 minutes counts - try a quick walk around the block, run with the kids at the park, taking the stairs, cycling to work, or workouts at home.
5. Manage your time
Prioritise YOU. Learn to say no thank you, plan ahead, and find micro-moments to recharge. My go-to? Silence while driving as mini-meditation sessions.
6. Sleep deeply
Too much caffeine by day or alcohol by night? They disrupt deep sleep, which is essential for sanity and health. Look at the relationship you have with these drinks and see if it needs a refresh.
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Claire Turnbull
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